About Us

Power Up and Play is a passion project created by myself, Ian Bonaparte. I work full-time as a front-end web developer and wanted to try my hand at managing my own website. I am also an extremely avid gamer and just love everything about the culture & community in the gaming world. Even if I don’t have as much time to play all of the latest releases, I love to keep up with the news and trends of the industry.

My good friend Jon, AKA GhettoThunder, has joined me in this project and has been a huge help creating content and writing incredible blog posts about his perspectives on video games. He has been great because he’s allowed me to focus on the technical and development side of the site while still allowing me to push content out consistently. Appreciate you, Jon!

There are ZERO ads or revenue generated from this site. As previously mentioned this a project totally done out of passion. We just hope that you enjoy your time spent on the site. Please consider following us on Twitter, and following our podcast on Spotify (new episodes every Thursday).