With E3 being cancelled this year, Microsoft hosted the Xbox Games Show today. We didn’t get a look at or even any information about the new console, but we did get exposed to a wide array of launch titles for the Xbox Series X. Find out which titles stood out above the rest!

1. Halo Infinite

Halo: Infinite for the Xbox Series X

Microsoft opened the show with an 8-minute gameplay clip of the new Halo: Infinite title. They confirmed that this iteration of Halo will feature an open-world campaign instead of the traditional, linear, level-based campaigns of the past. We also learned, from the pause menu, that there will be UPGRADES for Master Chief’s power armor. While no details given, speculation is that it has more to do with added abilities, rather than Chief becoming stronger himself. One of the new abilities showcased was a grapplehook, or “Grappleshot” as it is officially named. The demo showed Master Chief grappling onto an enemy and pulling himself forwards for the assassination kill. There were other times where the grapple was used to grab an explosive item and pull it towards the Chief, and then propelled forward to launch it into a cluster of enemies. Definitely a new and interesting gameplay element, and I look forward to seeing how this will be utilized in the multiplayer section of the game, which unfortunately we haven’t had a chance to take a look at yet.

2. Fable

Fable announced for the Xbox Series X

As Phil Spencer was signing Microsoft off, he remembered, “Oh yeah, there’s one more…” and we got a quick peak into a new Fable story. While the footage shown was the definition of a teaser, it’s exciting to know the franchise will be revived on next gen. Younger fans that never got to play a Fable game got to be exposed to the magical, amusing, and light-hearted atmosphere that used to be a staple of the Xbox lineup. I cannot wait to hear more, and my fingers are crossed this title isn’t as far away as it could be!

3. Avowed (Obsidian Entertainment)

Whenever Obsidian announces something, the gaming world pays attention. From the creators of the Elder Scrolls universe, comes a new IP dubbed “Avowed”. Like other announcements made today, we did not get a big look at the gameplay, but we got a first glance at what Obsidian has been working on. What we did learn is that Avowed is a first-person RPG set in the fantasy world of Eora.

4. The Medium

The Medium announced for the Xbox Series X

This game might not be everyone’s cup of tea but I thought this was an important announcement for Xbox for two reasons: One being, Xbox’s biggest drawback right now is a lack of original IPs, so any new and original title is exciting. Secondly, this was the only game that really showed off the real, raw processing power of the next generation consoles. Like the Ratchet & Clank trailer from the Sony conference, The Medium is rendering and processing 2 completely different worlds at the same time. The player controls the main character who can phase between the worlds to interact with the world around her in different ways, and what she does in one realm affects what happens in the mirror. I sort of got a Stranger Things vibe from this game where one world was dark, dreary, and evil, similar to “the upside-down”, and the other realm was a lot more normal and earthy. The Medium should be a great addition to Microsoft’s exclusive library and the survival-horror genre.

5. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate - Discover your next favorite game

While not a game in of itself, the whole show was kicked off with the footnote that every single game seen today will be a day 1 launch on the Xbox Game Pass. It has been said hundreds of time across the web, but there truly is not a better value in gaming right now than the Game Pass. For $15/mo., players can gain access to a library of over 100 titles on their Xbox One, PC and soon to be Xbox Series X. If you play and finish just 2 launch titles on it per year, it pays for itself. Personally, I have loved being able to revisit each Halo release as it is added to the Master Chief Collection. It’s also great to have for when you get into one of those “I don’t feel like playing any of these games!” moods, which for me, is at least once a month. I’ve discovered and fell in love with so many games I would have never purchased had they not been on game pass.

Other Games Announced that will be Day 1 Game Pass titles:

  • Forza Motorsport
  • State of Decay 3
  • Destiny 2 + ALL EXPANSIONS
  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2
  • Warhammer 40,000: Darktide
  • Tetris Effect